How are you dealing with the recession?

If it's not obvious enough at the gas station and grocery store, I heard on NPR yesterday that the DOW shrank the lowest since the start of the pandemic two years ago. Prices on everything are hurting, especially for the lower-income populations.
Groceries are regularly costing me 200+ dollars a trip. Filling up half the tank still costs 25 dollars. It's hard when people tell you to stock up on food and resources when subsisting alone is leaving me to break even. Nothing really left to save.
It worries me like a lesion on the verge of infection. I am worried about the state of things.
When everything was shut down and unemployment applications hit an epic high, they warned us we would face the consequences of that moment for years to come. I haven't forgotten that, but at the same time it is terrifying to me as a young person.
How are you dealing with the recession?
29 Opinion