Have you ever had a near-death experience?


I have had one that was memorable.

When I was 7 years old, our family was staying at a resort and I was out exploring the shoreline. I walked through a small stand of cattails and came across a large diameter log laying on its side jutting out into the lake. I stepped up onto the log to get over it and did not notice it was damp from the morning dew, nor did I notice a dock spike covered by many years of dead cattail leaves sticking out from the log. My feet slipped backward off the side of the log and I fell forwards. A dock spike went between my sternum/ribs and poked my heart but did not puncture it. If I didn't land with my hands down perfectly atop the log and caught myself, the spike would have went through my heart and potentially out my back.

All I can remember was sticking my finger in the hole to stop the bleeding and feeling my two ribs. My dad had to stich me up with a darning needle and thread and off to the hospital we went.

Doctor removed my Dad's stiches and patched me up proper. He said my heart was okay and the spike did not puncture it due to the dulled end. Lungs were fine too. Next day I was playing and fishing alongside the shoreline again.

Have you ever had a near-death experience?
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