What colour is this?

Colour is a funny thing because the naming of colours changes through history. For example at one time we lumped blue and green together as one colour. Orange was stuck in with red until oranges became popular.

Now purples nice one, does anyone really know at what point it's indigo or violet? But here I want to concentrate on the two main words for the purple group in English, purple and puce.

Purple comes from the Greek porphura via Latin as purpura. From a type of mollusc you get dye from. The welsh porffor is closer to the original Greek.

Puce comes from the French puce meaning flea colour and is taken from the Latin pulex.

Both puce and purple are widely used in the uk and are exchangable in most peoples eyes but puce is perhaps an old persons word.
What colour is this?
What colour is this?
It's purple
It's puce
They're not the same
Isn't purple just red
Isn't purple just blue
Pucepoppy doesn't sound right
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What colour is this?
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