My mother's outdoor-access cat has been missing for three days now due to dog scare?


I feel at my wit's end. I need encouragement/insight/tips from people who've gone through this or an animal expert, anyone with input.

My mother's tortoise-coloured little cat (Daisy) has been missing a day now. She was outside last night when our landlord, (who can't seem to understand simple instructions) allowed his dog to run loose around the property (we live in a large farm-like area with surrounding woods and a lake, a couple of neighboring farmsteads). As we've been able to gather from prints in the snow this dog might have chased the cat and having it run off to goodness knows where. We've searched in every direction all day now, high and low, every nook and cranny feels like but nothing. This cat has barely ever strayed beyond our garden, and never does travel far at all. I've examined the nearby ditches on both sides but nothing, so it doesn't seem like she's been run over. Do you know how painful it is to know that your mother, who's a widow, has woken up two times per night in pure anxiety for Daisy, and cried in the mornings? It's tearing at my soul. And so naturally I've done all I've possibly can to locate her, as a cat owner and lover myself who also knows and loves Daisy, but *nothing*.

I've read that frightened cats won't meow or make noise as a survival instinct and more likely than not is always closeby, but we've found nothing. Daisy's disposition is a bit of a scaredy cat and her taking longer to emerge would make sense.

Please if anyone has any expertise/experience please do assist. My mother's been beside herself with worry and angst and so have I. She loves Daisy to bits. I've trudged through winter's snow more times than I can count now and cannot understand where she is..

If you only knew how special shes been to us. Shes family!
If you only knew how special she's been to us. She's family!
4 mo
Daisy is back safe and sound! Turned up outside on the yard like nothing happened yesterday.
My mother's outdoor-access cat has been missing for three days now due to dog scare?
11 Opinion