3 mo

Would you ever go camping alone?

Would you ever go camping alone?

I go quite often camping and hiking alone in the wilderness, sometimes even for two-three days.

My wife is not very happy about it and has imposed that I answer her calls immediately or if I'm busy within 10 minutes before she assumes I'm lost and contact the authorities. She's scared something might happen to me.

The next trip I'm planning though is my half-sister, as birdwatching experience - it's something she's really excited about since she loves outdoor life like me. My wife is slightly more serene too because I won't be alone.

3 mo
I know that doing that alone is risky and can even be life-threatening, but apart from the peace and solitude I admit I also enjoy the thrill of sometimes being in life-threatening situations. A couple of times I even had some close calls. However, this is something I'll never admit to my wife, because to say she'd be furious would be an understatement.

She tried to hook me up with a couple of her friends as hiking buddies, but one is never available and the other is a woman that icks me
3 mo
so much I wouldn't trust her enough to be alone with her where nobody can see or hear us. I don't know why, she's just a creep.
Would you ever go camping alone?
38 Opinion