What Is (True) Love?

What Is (True) Love?

True love begins when the infatuation stage (which is often confused with love) has ended.

The first several months that you spend together, everything about your partner seems perfect.

You are head over heels for this person.

Everything is fresh, new and exciting in your relationship.

You find yourself overwhelmed with feelings of joy, intensity, and pleasure.

Like a magnet, the force draws you both together as these feelings reach its length.

The infatuation stage ends when the curtains are pulled.

Your partner's negative qualities that you did not see in the beginning of your relationship, shine so ever clearly now.

What Is (True) Love?

You are at a cross road point where either those differences:

  • Better blend you together.

  • Or further separate you.

People with differences that become blended, share compatibility.

They are allowing their relationship to thrive instead of letting it sink.

They are working out their differences in order to benefit and grow from each other.

You don't know if your love is true until it is put to the test.

True love is often times opposite of what is displayed in movies, stories and fairy tales.

It can be filled with rage, anger, sorrow and disappointment.

When you are at the very bottom and your partner is there offering support,

then you know your love is true.

When you've had the ugliest of arguments and you find a resolution to them,

then you know your love is true.

When you accept your partner for who they are, not who you want them to be,

then you know your love is true.

When this person is your rock and doesn't run away when times get tough,

then you know your love is true.

When this person builds you up instead of smashing you down,

then you know your love is true.

True love survives the storm because it knows there will be sunshine after.

Love sees unrecognizable circumstances, that at times allows us to be who we aren't.

True love makes its way through each and every challenge.

The bond eventually becomes so powerful that it's unbreakable.

Anyone could say, “I love you” but how many actually mean it?

Through all of its trials and tribulations, like a bird love soars.

It is free.

It is wonderful.

It is beautiful.

What Is (True) Love?

But like a plant, if not properly cared for its existence can deteriorate.

So true love, takes time, dedication and work on both parts for it to

last to its full extent.

What Is (True) Love?
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