[Romantic And Sexual] Relationships Are NOT A Necessity NOR Are They As Valuable As You Might Think They Are!


This MyTake is going to be quite different from my other two space-themed articles and shorter, although I am working on another one in the background. This article is going to be on the popular notion that we need a relationship in our lives, otherwise there is no point in being alive or that you are someow less valuable as a person. I'm going to try my best to dispel this belief as it is quite annoying and destructive.

[Romantic And Sexual] Relationships Are NOT A Necessity NOR Are They As Valuable As You Might Think They Are!

"I'll never lose my virginity/I'll never get a partner"

What's the rush? You can still live a fulfilling life without losing your virginity or having a romantic relationship ever. Chances are, if you are thinking this way then you are too young to be placing your value on whether or not you are in a relationship. You most likely have your education to worry about. Anyway, placing such a high value on the concept of virginity/whether or not you have a partner is counter-productive to your goal; Desparation has an awful smell, and nobody likes smelly people.

"I can't afford to be selective"

Of course you can. Anyone can, being in a relationship is not "expensive" in and of itself. I understand that for a lot of people, their dating pool is limited (due to low population density, being physically unattractive, lacking social skills etc) but I don't understand how that gives you any less of a reason to be as selective as you please. Everyone deserves what they want in a partner don't they? You don't have to go through pointless, awkward relationships if you don't want to.

I think the trouble here is that most people, especially in the teens, don't think too highly of themselves, so they feel they have to endure bullshit because they deserve it and/or it is the only relationship they can "afford" since they are in poverty, so to speak.

"Having a girlfriend/boyfriend would motivate me to better myself"

Being this dependant is quite unhealthy. People tend to find people this dependant annoying, clingy and childish. This motivation that you think can only come from a relationship, is already inside of you. Usually the people who don't find this kind of person unnattractive, are equally as dependant on relationships. If you can't be self-sufficient then I advise that you don't even bother looking for serious relationships, mainly for your own sanity.

[Romantic And Sexual] Relationships Are NOT A Necessity NOR Are They As Valuable As You Might Think They Are!
5 Opinion