The Best Revenge To Give When Someone Cheats On You (And Has No Remorse)


The thought of hurting the person you love to the same extent that they hurt you, makes you feel a sense of accomplishment.
Your thought process is: If you inflict the same pain that they did to you perhaps, they will understand how much they have hurt you.

The Best Revenge To Give When Someone Cheats On You (And Has No Remorse)

You cannot even bare to fathom how someone who portrayed themselves as nurturing, loving, and caring could betray you in such a manner. They seem to have no remorse and leave you by yourself in the shadows, when all secrets are revealed.

The Best Revenge To Give When Someone Cheats On You (And Has No Remorse)

All along everything was a lie!
This person used you and in the blink of an eye, as quickly as they came into your life is as quickly as they leave. Before they do so, they point fingers at you, stating that you are to blame for their infidelity.
Your soul grows dark, cold and empty!
Like a furance, the heat inside you builds, allowing you to want to explode.
You want revenge!
You must have it!
You will!

At this point in time, your "love" is every profanity word imaginable, and deserves to feel even as little as a hint of what they made you feel!

Oh, that son of a gun.....

The Best Revenge To Give When Someone Cheats On You (And Has No Remorse)

Please stop!
I want you to refocus your thoughts and really listen to me.
I want you to understand, that you did not deserve any of that mistreatment.
You are beyond the vile things that person unloaded into your life.
If you allow yourself to become controlled by your anger, and seek destructive ways of gaining revenge, you are allowing your "love" to win in the end.

The Best Revenge To Give When Someone Cheats On You (And Has No Remorse)

Allowing yourself to succumb to the fuel of your own anger is the biggest defeat of all.
You were a victim when your "love" revealed how much they hurt you without a care in the world.
If you allow your anger to grow bigger than yourself, you are continuing to allow yourself to be victimized.
At this point, you'd no longer be in control.
The person who wronged you is, because through your emotions you give that person all of the power, by acting in a manner that is opposite of character to you.

The biggest revenge of all, is gathering the pieces and moving on with your life.
When this person sees you were able to put both feet forward, and move on from them, this will hit them harder than if you were to stoop down to their level and try to inflict the very same pain that they caused you.
There was a moment in time, where they were at the top of the mountain and felt they had the power to tear you down.
But you rose above it, and showed them that the only person who is in control, is you.
Never give someone the power, to mold you into someone that you aren't.

The Best Revenge To Give When Someone Cheats On You (And Has No Remorse)

The joy and the happiness, you have after the storm is the biggest retaliation of all.

The Best Revenge To Give When Someone Cheats On You (And Has No Remorse)
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