Can Trust Be Rebuilt?

You may bave been cheated on by your partner, backstabbed by a friend, lied to by a relative , maybe it was a coworker who let you down. Whatever the case, it hurts.

We all want to be loved and respected.

TRUST is the core of every relationship, when you trust someone your mind is at peace. Your heart is filled with joy.

When it is broken, we feel a part of us is also broken. A part thats...not complete.

Think of the relationship as a jigsaw puzzle, or a mosaic you've worked so hard on to build the pieces together to create this amazing work of art. Each piece signifies an important part and one of them is trust, without it, it is hopeless.

Can trust be rebuilt?

"Broken trust is like melted chocolate, no matter how hard you try to freeze it, it will never return back to its original shape."

So what exactly happens once that trust has been shattered? Can we somehow 'mold that chocolate 'back to how it originally was? Well yes and no. Im going to state the obvious WILL work to some extent but it won't be the same.

That being said, this does not necessarily mean you have to completely trust that particular person again. But rather learning from this mistake and treating it as a lesson for when a similar scenario arises in your life.

Personal Experience

I won't go into detail. But I once had a friend who I knew for years, I built this connection with them, placed my trust in them. Never did I imagine things to go sour, I did have high expections to be honest, and I let my guard down. So there, the trust was crumbled...apologies happened. But our friendship has not been the same and never will be. Fortunately, things aren't that dark and the air is clean, however Im forever using this as a tool on how to approach further situations like this and not to trust so easily.

Can Trust Be Rebuilt?


Whether you violated someone's trust, or yours has been betrayed, accept that these things happen rather than trying to dodge these feelings. In order to move forward its important to build inner trust in yourself before placing your trust in others. By this I mean listening to your inner voice and trusting your instincts. If it doesn't feel right to begin with it, most likely isn't.

With self trust, you'll start to feel whether he/she is lying to you.


°Well the above picture is an exact replica of what "I'm sorry" looks like as an image. However it is the first step forward. Being defensive or in denial about the problem will never work.

Time & space

The time it takes to heal varies on individual circumstances, if things don't go smoothly as soon as sorry has been said, don't be disappointed.

Can Trust Be Rebuilt?

Its totally understandable that things won't feel right after this, its just never the same. But rather its an advantage that you'll now be much more aware in your surroundings, using the inner trust you have hopefully built in yourself.

Can Trust Be Rebuilt?
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