8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On

8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On

Whether it may concern a break-up, a graduation, or maybe willingly forgetting something/someone for your betterment, moving on is definitely hard to manage especially when recently involved in a separation.

Here are eight reasons why you may find it hard to move on. Be informed that all may not apply to you at the same time, given the different circumstances you have with others.

1. You had established a connection that will not be easily forgotten.

8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On
8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On

This only applies when you have spent time with the love interest(s)— partner, pets, friends, and/or peers.

This all boils down to empathy link. You have helped each other in times of trouble and in times of dealing with most, if not all, challenges.

You have cried over him/her/them

You shared laughter with him/her/them.

You fought with him/her/them.

You had learned to compromise for him/her/them.

You served as a role model to him/her/them.

There would be no easy way to accept their lack of presence in your life as well as the unavailability of a swift way to adapt without him/her/them.

A genuine bond with your love interests will always be treasured and remembered in your mind and heart.

2. You still yearn for the presence.

8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On
8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On

It is not easy to convince yourself that the person(s) you used to get along with is no longer by your side anymore.

Ever had a support system with them? It turns out that it would not exist anymore.

Your meetups and dates? No, it would not be the same without experiencing them again with the comfort of him/her/them.

You still love the idea of them spending their time for you.

You still look forward to your conversations, hoping that everything will be ultimately restored.

You are still conditioned to the former fact that they will always be right beside you.

3. The memories are still with you.

8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On

Recalling even the most intricate details of your relationship sometimes hurts— the day when and how you and him/her/them met, the things you used to like, the conversations you used to keep going, and many more. :(

This is most explained by the transference effect/phenomenon, as explained by a source back in Year 2000:

Transference is the phenomenon whereby we unconsciously transfer feelings and attitudes from a person or situation in the past on to a person or situation in the present, (Hughes, 2000).

For instance:

You see a nearby beach.

All of a sudden, you remember how you and your friend used to go there to perform different activities— tanning under the sun, playing beach volleyball, being childish by making sand castles, swimming under the sun, and enjoying a tropical vibe.

8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On

4. You think that the past outweighs the present in terms of worth.

8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On

Here are questions and statements you might be telling yourself (or you might have told yourself) which shows a preference with the past than the present:

"It was better before, right?"

"I wish I could turn back time to the good, old days."

5. One experience has ended. You see an open door yet you refuse entering it.

8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On

Well, it ended. Will you just stop there?

Certainly not.

6. You have realized that nothing is permanent.

8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On

Any relationship can sever even in the most outlandish ways.

7. You do not choose to accept yet.

8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On

Yes, I know. It is hard to just accept for the sake of half-hearted acknowledgment.

Everyone who chooses to cry over spilled milk is eminently stuck with what had happened in the past.

Not accepting the truth (about separation) will cause you to sulk all day if that is what you choose to do. It will also hamper your overall mental health as a person if you do not restrain yourself right away.

Acceptance is futuristic; you only accept a depressing separation if you are ready to pace your track once again without your former delusions bugging you anymore.

8. You are still in love.


If a breakup or a separation does not make your heart ache, then you are either (1) tolerant of separations (which is rare and highly unlikely) or (2) you didn't love him/her/them back at all!

Being lovestruck so hard may serve as an onset to react in a hostile way over a separation. This is why most people vent their frustrations in various ways: crying, throwing away or treasuring presents of sentimentality for the owner which is oftentimes the recipient of the presents (whichever applies to the situation).

8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On

8 Reasons Why You May Find It Hard To Move On
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