Why It's Over Between Men and Women

Why it's over between men and women

Let's face it, men and women just don't get along with each other as they use to. Today, all men and women seem to go after is sex and just spent their time cursing and blaming each other for stupid reasons. Here are some of the reasons why I think the two genders will never get along and sexism will always exist.

1. Feminism

Why It's Over Between Men and Women

Feminism isn't what it use to be these days. Whatever the dictionary says, we all know (those of us who bothered to paid attention anyway) know that feminists these days don't really want equality. All feminists want is female supremacy and to make men pay for the crimes of the men in the past. Instead of bringing equality, feminism fuels misandry and all this results is young women becoming bitter and resentful towards the opposite sex and only complicates the progress to fix the broken bonds between the genders.


Why It's Over Between Men and Women

For those who are unfamiliar, MGTOW stands for "men going their own way". It's basically about men who refuse to marry and avoid all relationships with women because women are nothing but "hypergamous whores who will divorce you and take all your children and proprety". Although their points are understandable, they do seem to have a misogynistic tone behind their narrative and make is seem that every woman has some kind of agenda to destroy a man's life. Whether they are right or not, they do have a habit of demonizing the opposite sex at every chance they get.

3. Love is dead

Why It's Over Between Men and Women

Relationships are just toxic these days and they are nothing more but people just using other people for their own self gain. I always hear how women get abused and broken hearted only to go back with the same jerk off that makes her life into a living hell. I also always hear about how men get abused by their wives and girlfriends and how they always get emotionally manipulated and cheated on. This only sets up a reputation that men are abusive, voilent assholes and that women are manipulative, goldigging whores that only want sex and money. This teaches both men and women that the opposite sex is untrustworthy and not worth forming a relationship with. This also grows nothing but bitterness and anger towards the opposite sex.

4. Broken family unit

Why It's Over Between Men and Women

Over the years, we can see how much the family unit has been crippling. With marriage on the decline and divorce on the rise, this will only result in people not having children and children in broken homes. Due to the fear of divorce, people are not desiring marriage these days and are no longer seeking to have children. Now, there's nothing wrong with not wanting to get married or having children but longterm speaking, this will lead to a country having low birth rates and a lower population. Just look at Japan for example. Thanks to feminism, fathers have been kicked out of the household and without a healthy father figurr to look up, both young boys and girls will struggle when it comes to dealing with daily life problems and relationships. Without a father figure, boys will be demasculinized and grow up to be undeceplined and will turn to unhealthy lifestyles such as criminal activity or drug/ alcohol abuse. They will also struggle in relationships as they won't know how to lead and will result in women becoming resentful towards them. As for young girls, without a good father to provide an example for them, these girls will grow up to be insecure and seek validation from the opposite sex, the validation that was suppose to be given by the father but was never recieved due to absence, and will end up in a series of abusive and toxic relationships. Overtime, this will result the young girl to become bitter towards the opposite sex because of the trauma that was given to her by the past failed relationships. She will become defensive and will curse and neglect any man that meets her, even men who are nothing like the exes she's been through. This woman will have a hard time forming long lasting relationships.

So it's clear by now because of the current changes that have been happening to our society over the years, marriages and relationships aren't just like they use to be. Although it's good that now society is learning to be more progressive and continuing its pursuit towards equality, unfortunately, these changes do come with consequences. By the looks of it, it seems that the relationship between the genders won't improve any time soon and with the influence of the media and today's political climate, I can only conclude that things will either stay the same or get worse in the next few years.

Why It's Over Between Men and Women
Post Opinion