What I Learned From My Younger-Older Relationship

What I Learned From My Younger-Older Relationship.

Some of you may have seen a question I put months ago. It was regarding how to save my relationship. To start off, I need to tell you that my relationship ended with a broken engagement and two broken hearts. I met my ex fiancé when he gave a lecture at the college I went to. I asked him questions after the lecture and fell into a nice conversation. I asked if he had some source material for my finals paper that I had to write for another class. As you guessed things took a turn and we started a romantic relationship. The age gap is of 25 years and we understood that our relationship was going to raise some eyebrows. Two months after graduation and eight since he I started dating, he proposed and it didn't take long for us to move together.

What I Learned From My Younger-Older Relationship

It didn't take long till comments from other people after the engagement to get to him. His mood began to change and he was far less affectionate in public due to embarrassment. Please keep in mind that in no way do I hold him 100% responsible for the break up, but I felt that I had a big burden and we weren't carrying equal loads. I tried talking to him, showing more affection at home, making his favorite meals, but whenever we went out together his mood would get worse. Things changed to the point that if it wasn't for work, he wouldn't want me to leave the house by myself or with him, not even to the gym. I told him it was best to cancel any wedding plans and the engagement until I felt our relationship was strong again. After our efforts things still crumpled.

What I Learned From My Younger-Older Relationship

All in all what I learned from my experience is that age isn't just a number, don't ignore the issues that may come with being in a relationship with a big age gap. Sometimes I still wonder what I could have done to save my old relationship, but the truth is you can't save it alone. Speaking as the younger partner, I know that there are insecurities being the older one, but don't look down on our insecurities as well. He was scared that I might find someone my age, that he couldn't satisfy me sexually, or that people saw him as manipulative. But insecurities come both ways and he didn't realize I had mine. I felt that I might've bored him with my inexperience in life, that maybe he'd find someone more interesting and had more in common with, that I might be too immature to be emotionally supportive of his issues. The thing is that some people may succeed in these types of relationships, but we all need to evaluate if the love outweighs the problems before making a commitment.

What I Learned From My Younger-Older Relationship
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