Eliminate The Toxic People In Your Life !

Eliminate The Toxic People In Your Life !

Get rid of people in your life that hold you back. This is a wake up call for some of you guys. Some of you guys are friends with people that are holding you back in life. And that’s not good.

We are a product of our environment, and our environment includes people we associate with. Look around you. People in their social circles act and dress alike. People that hang out together often think and talk the same way. That’s why they enjoy each other’s company. Even at work. Everyone agrees with everyone. Rarely does anyone go against the grain. Having the wrong people in your life can be detrimental to your career, your confidence, your social life…everything.

Let’s break it down by the different types of toxic people that we are surrounded by:

The Negative One

Some people are just negative. They complain about everything. Nothing is good enough. Everything sucks.

If you have good news or something good happens to you and you share this information with a negative person, he rains on your parade. He’s not happy for you. He tries to find a way to bring you down or say something rude.

Maybe you want to change and improve your life. That negative fucktard will try to come up with a bunch of reasons why you shouldn’t even try. Negative people aren’t evil. They just think differently and are a negative voice in your ear. Their negativity may start rubbing off on you if you’re not careful.

The Scared One

Scared people can be really detrimental to your growth as an individual. They’ll always try to hold you back because they unconsciously hold themselves back. The scared one doesn’t want to rock the boat and if you want to do something out of the norm he’ll freak out.

Scared people can come from anywhere – your work, your social circle, your college, your family, random strangers…

Be careful of associating with scared ones because they will hold you back from doing what you want to do out of fear of consequences. They will rub off on you and make you start thinking like a scared pussy too.

The Unsupportive One

The unsupportive person is the one that doesn’t want to see you change or improve your life. He likes you for who you are. And when you change he starts to think you’re leaving him behind. He’d rather you stay who you are today so you two can be miserable together.

This sad person gets jealous if you start to get things in your life because you put yourself out there. He’ll criticize and question your decisions. He’ll make you feel bad for wanting to be different. He will try to sabotage your growth.

Stay away from anyone that is unsupportive, especially if you are trying to improve your life. They will try to beat you down and make you stay who you are for their own selfish reasons.

The Shit Talking One

Some people just like to talk shit about other's processes and plans because it makes them feel better about themselves. They talk all this shit to you because they want you to agree with them. In turn you either start to talk shit too or change how you think about people, processes, and plans.

The shit talking person is a loser. He’s inferior to other people and tries to feel superior by bringing other people down. This type of person can never help you out in life. Stay away.

The Choice Is Yours

I know how hard it is to eliminate the toxic ones from your life. I’ve had to do it multiple times. This included betas that were good friends that I went to college with, other’s I did business with, and some that I worked with. But there comes a point in everyone’s life that you have to decide whether or not you should continue to associate with betas or if it’s time to move on from them.

Personally, when I steered clear of these people that were in my life, I was finally able to be free. Free to do what I want. Free to think how I wanted to think. Free to live my life.

People come in and out of your life for a reason. Some people hang out longer than others. losers are like the annoying ones that overstays their welcome. You don’t have to be rude or hurtful when you eliminate these people in your life. Just let them be. Move on and be around people that can help you in life.

Eliminate The Toxic People In Your Life !
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