Studs vs. Sluts: Let's Put This to Rest

Studs VS Sluts.

Studs VS Sluts  (lets put this to rest)

We have all heard of it, heard about many MANY double standards that plague the dating world, or dating pool, or dating scene or whatever the fuck people want to call it. Male – Female relationships…ah..there we go. Im only going to address one today. Or a couple.

I am always astounded when I see the Ignorance behind the situation people put themselves in when in relationships. Males are too fucking desperate, and the females are too fucking fearful.

It’s not a lie that men like sex, it’s our 90 in the “90-10” theory I created which states that “Everyone has that one thing that they look for in a relationship that they can’t do without (90), and the one (or ones) that they can do without (10) the backburner.”

For guys…sex is our 90… tons of women think that its ALL we look for…it’s not. Women (and I’m talking generally or stereotypically here…whichever floats your boat) want the romantic surface stuff (90)…dates, flowers, movies, attention, etc, but they want sex too (10)…some can go without that, just like men don’t mind doing all that romance stuff (10) for their woman. We all wanna be happy right?

I came up with a joke/saying, “when you hold the keys to the cookie cupboard, you ain’t worried about the cookies, it’s the Other people that worry” lol and that is what women have…keys to the cookie cupboard.

Studs vs. Sluts: Let's Put This to Rest

This brings me to my topic. Women always wonder why a guy can sleep with 50 women and be considered a Stud…and a woman sleeps with only 10 and is considered a Slut…

Before I go real deep into this, let me revert back to my cookie analogy with a question…

Who is more of a badass? The person holding keys to 10 cookie safes and can get in whenever they want or the fucker who Broke Into 10 cookie safes….you know exactly who.

So when women wonder why a man can sleep around and not get fucking chastised, let me tell you the reason darlings, it’s all because of YOU…WOMEN!

Studs vs. Sluts: Let's Put This to Rest

You make the vagina such a valued commodity to the point where you keep the damn thing hostage…and for some, a guy has to bet the rest of his life (marriage) in order to access it. So if a man can access that same commodity, free of fucking charge…that is some Pimp shit.

To a more valid point, look at all the hoops men have to jump through in order to get ONE woman into bed. He has to do the approach, he has to impress her, and he has to find out what “rules” she has about what to do to get closer, be it 6 dates or 6 years, before you even find out the “rules” (some women don’t tell you) time is passing by…days, weeks, months…and sometimes even years. And all this time, the woman wants to be catered to, go on dates, romanced, all that shit, so it’s basically the guy just giving, giving and Giving. Just to get what? To get intimate? To get our 90? Meanwhile, the woman takes, takes, takes and Takes, but yet denies a guy his 90. Technically saying they make it hard.

Studs vs. Sluts: Let's Put This to Rest

To be able to do that 50 times, that’s a fucking achievement, that’s why men get the props.

Now women, theoretically, don’t have to do squat. One tight dress or short skirt or skimpy outfit and some guy or guys are lining up at the door, that’s no fucking acheivement. Hell, the shit even extends to the bed, most guys have been in a sex situation where the woman just lays there. And that is fucking awful…then he doesn’t want to be in that situation anymore and ghosts the woman and she turns around and says she was “used for sex” or “sex is all he wanted”…all fucking lies.

Let me tell you something ladies, for those of you that have actually approached men and stated your intentions, be it just for introduction or for sex because you found them physically attractive, how hard was that shit…? It’s so fucking difficult and scary as shit, but this guy does that 50 times. Yes, he’s a fucking stud. He did something scary and difficult that many times. If it were so easy, why aren’t there more women asking men out, approaching men, proposing? Why? Because its fucking scary as hell, that fear of rejection is quite something.

But instead of women admitting it, they buttered it up (like women do) and just assumed its easier for the…NO..its the same, matter of fact, its fucking harder.

Studs vs. Sluts: Let's Put This to Rest

If a man approaches a woman and she rejects him, he’s not allowed (by society) to bitch about it and throw a fucking tantrum, or the women will band against him and the men would band against him (white knights), and somewhere in there, her “free will” or “choice” will be thrown in and “sexual harassment” will come up.

But what happens if a woman approaches a man and he rejects her…she falls into disbelief, feels insecure, throws a tantrum or tries to force herself on him in the hopes that he is “just joking” and when he gets adamant about the rejection, she asks if he is Gay. No boo boo…I just don’t want YOU, does anyone react and tell her to fuck off that she isn’t wanted..? NO!! its fucking ridiculous. And that is part of what women don’t get, Dick is so free, that if they are shut down, they can’t believe it, the problem can’t be them right? Because women are perfect and are wanted by all men.

I died laughing one time when I read somewhere that “…only fat girls and ugly girls understand what men go through..” like you have to prove yourself, you have to work to get what you want. Many women wonder why more and more guys keep going after the “average” looking girls and the fat girls get all the guys…its simple…they GIVE to the guys as well…instead of just taking taking Taking like the “hot” girls who feel that just because they look good, they should be worshipped.

So!! when it comes to Studs Vs. Sluts. Studs are called that because they have to work hard on each and Every attempt to access the cookie cupboard, but women don’t have have it that hard, Dick is free and readily available any fucking time they want it. So what is the impressive factor? NOTHING. That is why they are called Sluts. It doesn’t really help that even though both males and females have similar sex drives, not only do women hold back for fear of being labelled, they also deprive themselves of What They Want as well, which is stupid, if something is free…get it, if you want it, get it. So it earns the label “Slut”. Not because it’s not a natural thing to have sex, but because she’s making it a bigger deal than it is.

Studs vs. Sluts: Let's Put This to Rest

OMG, don’t even let me get started on virgins…I’m not changing my stance on this even if I know that it’s not all women, but Everyone who knows me knows I HATE those, especially the ones who hold that virginity hostage till they lock something (or someone) down that they think is permanent (marriage). I just consider them as people that have nothing better to offer…so they hold a piece of skin hostage, and in exchange, someone has to bet the rest of their life to get to it. Dumbest fucking concept if you ask me, none of y’all would buy a car or make a big investment without knowing all the outs and ins, no test drive? really?. Maybe in the 1600’s that shit would have flown, but now there is this thing called divorce…Virginity ain't worth shit. Matter of fact, if you are a virgin, you are ranked Below the so-called slut.

Studs vs. Sluts: Let's Put This to Rest

Look at the reasons people break up or divorce these days…a high percentage is because of sexual unsatisfaction…but instead of gaining experience, these morons hold on to it. Because why? Nothing better to offer. Using sex as a weapon to get what they want. And there is also that Bigger moron that buys into that dream. Again, this doesn’t qualify to ALL women.

So…Studs Vs. Sluts…who would you have more respect for..? a person that came into millions by working for every penny, or a person that inherited those millions…?

Studs vs. Sluts: Let's Put This to Rest

And THAT, people is why men get the uplifting name, and women get the slander-ish name.

Women, if you want to change that, stop putting a price on the vagina, stop making guys jump through hoops. If you know that all he wants is sex…then give it up or leave. It’s better than waiting and gaining feelings because he does what you want, then when it’s time for him to get what he wants…you can’t (or even worse) won’t deliver. (new Take right there)

Practice practice practice. I have not ONCE in my life seen a man that has a woman that is ready to drop that ‘gina in an instant if he asks and whichever which way he wants…that has been cheated on, same thing the other way around…I have not ONCE seen a woman cheat or leave a man that has been able to jump through her “requirements” and hoops and considerations etc.…just doesn’t happen.

Studs vs. Sluts: Let's Put This to Rest

The “90-10” theory is real, if you satisfy his 90 with your 10, he will satisfy Your 90 with his 10, either way, you get 100% relationship and happiness. If you want your happiness with some man, instead of making him “work for it” while you do nothing, how about you DO something, sacrifice what your thoughts are, and watch him sacrifice for you too…and if he doesn’t…fuck him, move on.

Now in a situation where relationship isn’t the goal for one of these people…the way I see it…do the 90. And if they aren’t fine or happy with it…walk away. Men don’t wanna spend money, time, and ears for women (ugh, and fucking valentine’s day, like we need some corporation-assigned day to tell us we like who WE asked out)..and women don’t wanna give up the *yells* the ‘gina!!!…so if you think that is what the other person wants Only…give it to them and see if they leave. Either way…you fucking know. And you can move the fuck on.

Studs vs. Sluts: Let's Put This to Rest

Studs get it because they work hard on each instance…sluts get it because they can get it easy, but choose to act stupid.

Win-Win situation if you ask me. If anyone thinks im coming off ignorant (in a way I am)….i want you to scroll up…look at the topic…and pick a side…and shut the hell up. I researched this shit, but im not coming off “professional”.

(funny part…it’s you women that shame other women for the most part, for wanting something natural) It has nothing to do with men.

Studs vs. Sluts: Let's Put This to Rest
Post Opinion