If You Don't Love the Opposite Sex, Don't Expect the Opposite Sex to Love You

If you don't love the opposite sex, don't expect the opposite sex to love you

There are many women who are extremely beautiful, but are lonely because they have a bad attitude towards men. Meanwhile, their less attractive counterparts end up with hotter guys because they truly love men. That is like catnip to men, they fucking love it -- it's like moths to a light.

Also, I know plenty of guys that *say* they love women, but have a cynical and general bad attitude towards them. Yet I don't see women beating down their door, so to speak.

If you truly love and adore the opposite sex, they return the sentiment. You may not be as attractive, successful, or otherwise what you'd expect that would garner the affections of men/women, but the actual genuine adoration for the opposite sex goes a very long way.

(this is my first myTake, so please be gentle, :P)

If You Don't Love the Opposite Sex, Don't Expect the Opposite Sex to Love You
45 Opinion