How to Attract the Opposite Sex (Finally Answered)


Since I joined this website I have seen countless questions coming from guys who have problems getting themselves out there and finding a girl that they could hopefully call their girlfriend someday. Now just to inform you that I am no "Love Guru/Pick-up Artist" or is this myTake a complete guide, but it is a collection of things I have learned during my journey of attracting the opposite sex.

Firstly, let me tell you my story. I attended an All boys Catholic Private school in the SouthEast of england, slap bang in the middle of the countryside, with the nearest girls school a couple of miles away so I had little to no female contact. By the time, I graduated and entered a University in London, I was pretty much useless with women. I couldnt properly attract a woman without falling into the Friendzone immediately, so I decided im going to learn how game works.

Dont get me wrong, I did attract some women but this was solely physical attraction. I had a very muscular frame with broad shoulders and average looks, Rugby player/MMA fighter, but thats as far as it went. Once I opened my mouth, it went south.

How to Attract the Opposite Sex (Finally Answered) Part 1

This is the best picture I could use to best describe myself back then.

So throughout my freshman year, I was learning and using techniques that I had learned to try and find myself a girlfriend or at least a 'string of bootycalls', and thankfully I got better at it. Having gone from sleeping to about 7 women in my life, I went into triple digits (I dont like to brag lol). So this is what I have learnt so far from my 5 years of interacting women.

You need to Change your Appearance

I have learnt that, by simply changing the way you dress/look, women are more responsive and attracted to you. Wear what you would normally wear out to the bar/social meeting, take hard look at yourself in a full size mirror and ask yourself 'If i was a woman, would i sleep with myself?'. If your answer is no, then you need to start making changes. Just by doing this, you can bump yourself up the attraction scale. Not only changing clothes but also change your hair, groom yourself properly and you will definitely see more women taking to your liking.

How to Attract the Opposite Sex (Finally Answered)

Here is an idea of what I changed my look to. If this isn't your style then go to a fashion styler (female) and look to get some consulation.

Work at making yourself a better person

I had to learn that no one on this earth is perfect and I have to work to be the best version of myself that I can be. I had to learn to love every single atom in my body because without self confdence, you are going to crash and burn. Making simple changes in my life like getting a Gym membership, taking anger management therapy, Eating Healthy and meditating an hour a day. I had to unite my mind, body, spirit and soul then i could say that I was comfortable in my own skin. It does come accross to people because you have this new 'energy' about you and women pick up on that very easily.

How to Attract the Opposite Sex (Finally Answered)

Change the way to talk to women

One mistake that every guy has made is that upon meeting a woman we like, we do not escalate. It starts off strictly platonic, no touching, no flirting, nothing. Do you know where you end up majority of time you do this, a hated place called the friendzone. Dont talk to them like your best friend but dont talk to them like they are your lover, if they aren't. try and get a balance between. flirt, touch, connect, build rapport and close. simple.

Never be too needy, approach several women a week so that you have options. my rule of thumb is basically approach and talk to at least 10 women a day and get their numbers. that way you would not need to show neediness.

How to Attract the Opposite Sex (Finally Answered)

Improve your Social Status

It is primitive behaviour for women to be attracted to men who are perceived as important. You can also think of it as being the 'Alpha Male of the Group' and if you have watched any nature documentaries, you will see that the Alpha male always has any share of females he wants. Although that does not directly correspond to this, you catch my drift. How do you improve, you ask?

You surround yourself with good friends, hot women and guys. If you are a regular at a local bar, bring your hot female friends there, buy drinks, try and become friends with the manager so that anytime you come everyone recognizes you and you might free drinks. This can be applied to any place not just a bar. Simple enough, right?

How to Attract the Opposite Sex (Finally Answered)

Never go to Nightclubs for women

The reason I included this is because you can rarely find a classy woman in a nightclub suitable for a relationship. There are different types of women you find in the club:

The Gold Diggers/Table Hoppers: These are the most annoying women on this planet, they are like predators, walking round the club look for chumps so that they can leech of your tables. They pretend to like you but the instant the last drop falls from the bottle, they disappear.

The One Night Standers: These women just came to the club for one reason and that is to f*ck, now I know what you are thinking and yes if you want one night, no strings attached, sex then these women are for you. But be cautious as most of this promiscuous women are vessels for STDs.

The Completely Car-Parked Women: These women are so far gone, sometimes im unsure if some may still be alive when I see them passed out in the corner. They drink to themselves to near comatose, they are usually the ones being dragged out of the club by bouncers.

The Cockblock: I dont think I need to elaborate on this, pretty self explanatory.

How to Attract the Opposite Sex (Finally Answered)

Always Approach Women Daily

As I stated earlier, I approach at least 10 women and my primary objective is to build attraction with them. Secondary objective is to get their numbers because asking for a girls number without little to no attraction and you will be forgotten mate.

I do this because in life practise makes perfect and if you want to get rid of any approach anxiety that you get, this is the best way to do it.

How to Attract the Opposite Sex (Finally Answered)

I hope this first part can set you in the right track, I will type up a second part later.

Please be nice, this is my first myTake and I hope you enjoyed it and learned a little from it.

How to Attract the Opposite Sex (Finally Answered)
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