How to Get Over Someone You Never Really Had

In my opinion getting over someone you never actually had is harder than getting over a break-up.


Cause at least with someone you were in a relationship with, you have memories and the satisfaction that they were yours at some point. You lived it, you experienced the relationship, the bad and the good, the pain and the happiness.

But...When it comes to people we wanted but we never got to emotinally taste them

All we have are the thoughts of how it could have been.

These are the steps of how to get over someone you never really had.

1. Understand that the idea of him/her looks always better from the actual reality.

How to Get Over Someone You Never Really Had

You've made a lot of scenarios in your mind about him/her,but sadly it's all just a fantasy.Of course some of the things you thought may be true,I’m not saying you are wrong about everything...

But you really can't know.

You haven't lived with that person,you don't have expirience with that person.You fell in love with the idea of him/her not actually them. You fell in love with the potential of you as a couple,with your fantasy of what you could have been.

2. Stop being jealous.

How to Get Over Someone You Never Really Had

You see him or her being with others,having fun or doing crazy shit. And you just want to go and attack everyone that touches your 'man'/'girl'. Let's be honest here people...HE/SHE ISN'T YOURS.

I know it hurts to hear it,and it hurts even more knowing that it's truth but it's the sad reality.

You have to understand that he/she does not belong to you,you two aren't together and sadly-thankfully there isn't a law that you can just copyright soeone because you want them.

So fight your feelings,think your logic and stop being jealous.

3. Clear up your feelings.

How to Get Over Someone You Never Really Had

Like I said in step 1,many of the feelings that you think you have are just illusions. Clear your mind and clear out your feelings. Believe me when I say that there is a big possibility that after this clear out,you may even get over him/her,because you realize that your imagination doesn't match the reality.

4. Take time to yourself.

How to Get Over Someone You Never Really Had

You need to get both physical and emotional distance from that person. The more you think about him/her, the harder it is to forget it. It's just how things work. You two weren't meant to be,at lest not for now. Cry as hard as you need to,eat as much ice cream as you want,scream to your pillow if you need to. GET IT OUT OF YOUR SYSTEM. And when you are done pull yourself together and stop caring,move on.



How to Get Over Someone You Never Really Had
Post Opinion