Plausible Deniability (Diesel's Rant-isode) Episode 5


This one is mainly for the fellas...but women are welcome to read, and hopefully downvote ? because apparently, i "misunderstood" the meaning of something lol.

--These are MY thoughts, MY opinions, My process, and MY ideas and if you want to say something against it..Go fuck yourself.

--Some stuff may be over-exaggerated or under played for comedic effect, if you take offense to that, then you can…go fuck yourself
--if you intend to judge me, call me angry, bitter, ignorant, weird, an asshole, a jerk etc, I frankly don’t give a shit…Go fuck yourself

--If you have no sense of humor or are so tight minded with a stick up so far up your ass it makes your ears itch…you might not want to go past the Horizontal Line.

--There is no schedule attached to this, there could be 3 rant-isodes in one week, or none in 3 months…it will come out when im irked.

--Anything in (__)’s is just an inside voice. We all have one and if you don’t, you can go fuck yourself.

--There will be tons of profanity, if you don’t like it, you can go fuck yourself

--I am not trying to say im Right or Wrong, its just a thought process I go through and if you can't understand it…Go fuck yourself

--Im going to generalize…A LOT…if you take it personally… can go fuck yourself!!!

--The whole rant is free styled, meaning no list of topics, no prep, nothing, just the way I speak, actually its dumbed down because of the Eye in the Sky (GaG) .

--There will be a lot of use of the words “Go fuck yourself” and if that doesn’t sit right with you, you can go fu… I really have to say it?

-----------------------Horizontal Line-----------------------

The unfairness.

So I was having a chat with someone, and was trying to explain how a guy was “making moves” and what those moves ended with, and then Diesel mode kicked in. Diesel doesn’t take sides. The question was, even during our chat, I knew what she wanted, and she knew what he wanted…so why the games? And it hit me. The reason why women do over half the dumb shit they do instead of just being direct. Plausible deniability.


They want to be able to say it was the other party, and it wasn’t them. Its like when you ask your woman “hey, where do you wana go for dinner”…instead of just saying “I wanna go to (insert favorite diner here)” ..instead, she goes “oh I don’t know, why don’t you pick”…putting the ball back in your court, so when you pick and ANYTHING goes wrong, she can be able to say YOU PICKED the place and it sucked.
That’s why I make a very conscientious effort to make sure that most girls who deal with me, know how to make up their minds.
I hear guys complain and cry about their girlfriends/wives/crushes….i haven't had to...for a long..LONG time. All the women in my life know better than to piss off a Tard like me anyway lol. I’ve had a lot of my girlfriends be pissed off at me…I know they are, and in most cases I know why too. But do they bring it up to me? can they blame me? No. And if they try to plausibly deny on me, I kick that ball back in their court and they are even MORE pissed than they were at first lol haaahahahaha…go fuck yourselves. So they even don’t start. Why? Cuz im not one of those guys. Not a doormat. I pay attention.

Yea, i watch not just one...but ALL of them...
Yea, i watch not just one...but ALL of them...

The number of times that I've sat in "girl talks" (a LOT of times, hey, women hate me, doesn’t mean they don’t trust me lol) and I've heard about their crushes or who they think is hot, or what they would do if they were with them, blah blah blah…then I ask the question:
"Why don’t you guys just approach him?"
Then they go…”what if he doesn’t like me”…”im scared I might get rejected”…like SERIOUSLY?? Do you think guys come with some in-built mechanism that is like rejection-proof? No, there's a reason why males were made as the cool-headed ones yet imbued with shit like physical strength and a need to protect. We think logically for the most part. We like a girl, we let her know by DOING THINGS, for example, approaching her. And I have to tell you, that shit is SCARY…why? “what if she doesn’t like me?”. Same thing those girls said..right? except we do it Anyway.
But then the guy thinks…well now I know she doesn’t, I can move on. But I've met girls that have had crushes for damn near a decade, just wishing. Sometimes you have to make a move. Some of the girls in these talks would say something like “I smiled at him” or “I flipped my hair” or “I waved”, those are hints…again…back to Plausible Deniability. wants him to make the CHOICE.


Why won't she make a move, its not that she can't, she Can, but if she does and shit doesn’t go right, like she gets rejected or things don’t pan out down the road, she would feel like SHE made a bad/wrong choice…and we (as fellas) all know how much women HATE to be wrong.
I've made it my life’s work to prove em wrong at every turn…lol…just cuz I can. No wonder im hated.
Anyway…now if she gives her crush all those dumbass “hints” and he approaches her…NOW if things go wrong later down the road, she can say that HE chose her…but the funny thing is…SHE chose him first.


Women have a way of sending/writing underlying messages because of plausible deniability that eventually, it gets FUCKING frustrating to guys and they are just on edge all the time (I call it walking on eggshells…I don’t do that shit). And then being that way starts to affect the relationship, and she senses the tension, bitches about it and in some cases, leaves. But who started it?
Fellas im sure you have heard of this one… “if you want to”…like you have an appointment with the fellas and you wanna go but she wants you to stay and maybe watch a movie…but when you tell her, instead of her saying Just That, what does she say? “if you want to”…thereby taking the choice OFF her, and putting it ON you. So when you come back later that night, and she’s pissed off, she can say that YOU CHOSE not to spend time with her. But did she ever tell you that is what she wanted? Nope. Plausible Deniability.
In that scenario…I know exactly what she wants…and I could do it, would do it. But girls have this notion that guys are just mind readers who just focus on the needs and wants of girls…well in my case, JUST BECAUSE she played that card with me…I WOULD go out to spend time with the fellas. And I've talked to other perceptive guys, and they all agreed, we don’t like to be played with.

Fuck plausible deniability, fuck trying to make it look like it’s the guy’s choice…I know women like to be “chosen”, it feels more “romantic”, but trust me, taking initiative and going for the hunt, feels a LOT better.

Be Vwerwe Vwerwe querful, im hunting he-re.
Be Vwerwe Vwerwe querful, im hunting he-re.

Now that you have read all that fellas…let me bring it back to you guys…stop being fucking morons and think with the head on your shoulders. Most of you are the reason why we get these games in the first place. Women play all these dumb word games, then turn around and say you are the one playing games…and you morons believe it.
Example…we all know most girls want the married life…even though a good 93% of that “most” don’t know what it comes with and only see wedding dresses and a diamond. But instead of HER initiating it, what does she do?…she goads you into initiating something you are against (or contemplating) in the first place.
She wants it, she knows she wants it, so why not go for it?…Plausible Deniability. So if shit goes south during the marriage…she can easily say YOU proposed, and not her. Some might argue that in a way she is...but I reality she's not. Some say because she coerces him, she worked for it...i counter with "why couldn't she get the ring and get on a knee...?" lol...
I've told it to guys on here a ton of times “Don’t Let Your Girl Run Your Relationship”…I wasn’t being dumb when I said that or a control freak, its because women know how to use plausible deniability, they’d string your ass up, then tell you you hung yourself lol. And most guys accept it...weird.

I can't HEAR YOU!!!
I can't HEAR YOU!!!

Its unfair. It really is. Society conditions men to attend to the wants and needs of women…but what about ours? Its like that other one where a girl tries to change a guy she is with but if he even makes a Suggestion about her, he hears either “well you have to like me for me” or “whats wrong with that”…seriously, fellas, start paying attention to all these hidden messages.

Lastly…theres a saying I say to all those women who tell me (or other guys) that they are playing games. Or calling them a player.
A player is a person who PLAYS games…not CREATES games.
So if a girl/guy say their partner is “playing games”….or that they are a player…guess who the FUCK created those games. There wouldn’t be games if you just came clean.

Plausible Deniability (Diesel's Rant-isode) Episode 5
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