Respect Your S/O's Privacy Or Stop Being With Them

Well,hello everyone.

It's me again.

We all have been there or we all go there, at some point we started having or we'll start having doubts about our S/O being loyal or in general being insecure about our relationship.

It's absolutely normal, and happens in probably ALL relationships at some point cause we are humans after all. And there are these cases that it's neither's fault.

I know there will be a plenty of people that won't like what I'm about to say so in the comments or pms that will attack me with these kind of insults :

"You are 16, what would you know?"

"You are a baby, go drink your milk or something.."

" LOL you are 16 you shouldn't have an opinion."


I'm talking now.

And for your info, in 9 days I'll be 17.

----Back to the topic.

Like you read in the title of the mytake, I'm one of those people that are really against guys or girls that don't respect their partner's privacy. No matter what their reasons are.

Many of you that belong in this team will give excuses,or as you call them valid reasons, like "I thought he/she was cheating, I wanted to check in order to be sure and have a healthy relationship again." or even things like "I was right though for checking his/her phone or following him/her around, he/she was indeed a cheater!"

And you know what?

Maybe your instrict is right, maybe your little I-want-to-be-a-007-and-find-the-truth actions actually have a result and find something.

But is the fact that you are curious about something,enough for you to abuse someone's privacy and lose your dignity?

The simple answer is, no.

Not only because you may be wrong about the whole situation and actually offend your partner for not trusting them, but also because you will besically go against what is morally right and the bases of your relationship that will only have the result of you feeling terrible after.

If you do start having this uneasy feeling that he/she is is cheating (fact that may or may not be true), I advise you to break up.

You will not be satisfied even if you have absolute control over his/her life and to whom he/she talks to.

If you start doubting about everything, the person you are with, just doesn't give you the safety you need.

So don't loose your dignity, instead, break up.

Respect Your S/O's Privacy Or Stop Being With Them

That's it for today babydolls.

Till next time, stay sassy.

- AngelicEmpress

Respect Your S/O's Privacy Or Stop Being With Them
Post Opinion