Why we should try and be kinder to one another

Why we should try and be kinder to one another

Christmas is coming and one of the messages it brings us is:

We should be more kinder and caring when Christmas rolls around.

I do agree, enthusiastically agree, but only partially.

We should be more kinder and caring? Yes.
Only when Christmas rolls around? No.

Someone already agrees with me on that.

In 1998, the World Kindness Movement declared 13th November the World Kindness Day.

Let that sink in for a moment. The 13th of November, not the 25th of December.
Personally, I think that the message at the bottom of this choice is : Every day is good to be kind and caring.

Sounds too idealistic and optimist, right? After all, we hear bad news all the times. Wars, violence, discrimination, political and social tension.

Well, then it's not this the best moment to start sharing positivity and good feelings?

In Voltaire's work "Candide ou L'optimisme", one of the main characters, the scholar Pangloss, believes that we live "in the best possible of the worlds". While the rest of the book is bent on discrediting this maxim, in the ending Candide concedes to Pangloss that while ours isn't the best possible of the worlds, it's "the best to do good things".

So, how can we do good of that, and demonstrate that the world in which we live is the best possible to do good things, to improve our lives and those of people around us?

Let's see.

Everyone deserves our respect

Why we should try and be kinder to one another

Every living creature of this world, be it woman, man, child, animal or plant; as an unalienable right to life, love and respect.

Being kind and considerate doesn't mean being a pushover

Why we should try and be kinder to one another

This doesn't mean you have to suck it up to people who don't want your help/kindness, or those who would abuse of it for their profit.

This lead us to...

You deserve yours and other's respect!

Yes, YOU.

Why we should try and be kinder to one another

You who are reading this, whenever you agree or consider this Take bollocks.

You have a primary claim to your own love and respect.
If you can't love or respect yourself, you have none for others.

Being kind and caring doesn't always imply great sacrifices

Why we should try and be kinder to one another
Sometimes a good dinner with friends is enough…

Just listening to someone who needs to someone to talk to and/or vent, or invite out that friend who's always busy, it's a bit of an introvert or is going through a rough patch.

Maybe for you it's a small thing, but for that person it's a very concrete help.

But when it does, don't be afraid to step up

Why we should try and be kinder to one another
…sometimes not.

You are helping a fellow human being. Especially if it's someone you already love and care about, no sacrifice will feel too big to you.

But naturally...

Be reasonable


You can't help everyone, and you can't help people who won't help themselves.

It's sad, but true.

Don't be afraid to smile!

Why we should try and be kinder to one another

Show your positivity, your emotions! Smile!
Not in the commercial sense of the term, but in the emotional and sincere one.
Don't be afraid to smile, even if you have ugly teeth like mine!

Kindness can be shared with everyone!

Why we should try and be kinder to one another
Friendship knows no age

That's the best thing about kindness.

It's appreciated by everyone in the world; without distinction of gender, race, age and sexual preferences.

And with animals too!

Why we should try and be kinder to one another

That dog who always sits behind that fence? Try giving it a caress, if it isn't aggressive and it's owners are okay with that.

That stray cat who always lurks around? Leave some milk to it.
That pigeon that's ogling your hotdog? Give him a little bit!
They won't thank you or show you their gratitude, but the favor is very tangible for them.

That was my little thought on kindness.
What are yours?
Share your opinions and thanks for reading!

Why we should try and be kinder to one another
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