A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch


Me decided to talk to this guy, to see what he thinks about relationships

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

what kind of qualities do you look for a in a girl?

Bad attitude, does not like to smile, and dislikes Christmas or maybe that dumb little who girl...

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

What advice would you give to those looking for a relationship?

Don't! They only cause you pain and suffering...

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

but sometimes they might surprise you..

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

if you had a first love, what do you love the most?

My cave!

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

So, there is no other love for you?

Maybe my dog Max...

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

What advice would you recommend for those in relationships?

Always make sure you have quality bed time together

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

But what if one person does not want to sleep in bed?

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

What would you recommend for an overall maintenance of a relationship?

Know how to return things that are not yours

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

What is a parting word of encouragement that you could leave with everybody?

Be sure to keep up on your heart medication, before the holiday is over you could end up with an enlarged heart

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch

There you had it folks from the Grinch himself!

A Q and A about relationships with the Grinch
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