
Dating & Marriage is Hell


Why Dating & Marriage is Hell

1. The Probability of Marriage Ending in Failure

According to APA, 40 to 50 percent of marriages in USA results in divorce. When there are 40 to 50 percent chance of marriages ending in heartache, why would I want to risk my time, money, & emotion into marriage that would most likely to end in heartache?

Dating & Marriage is Hell

2. Cost of Dating

From the article "The Cost of Dating in America", average money spent on dating is $1,600. Why would anyone spend $1,600 on dating that has at least 50 percent risk of failure? Spending $1,600 dating is only fools would do.

Cost of Dating
Cost of Dating

3. Length of Relationship

Daily Mail article reported that average length of relationship is now two years and 9 months. If relationship last up to two years & 9 months, why would someone want to invest their time, money, & emotion into relationship when relationship could fail within 3 years?


4. Stress in Relationship

CNBC article "Fighting with your spouse? It's probably about this" stated 35 percent of respondents had fight over money. If couples fight over money issues, why would people want to enter into dating or marriages?

Heartache that can be avoided
Heartache that can be avoided

5. Cost of Divorce

LegalZoom article "The Average Cost for Divorce" stated that average cost of divorce is between $15,000 and $30,000. If divorce costed between $15,000 to 30,000, why would someone want to date another person if divorce is expensive.

Cost of Divorce
Cost of Divorce

Above reasons listed are why dating & marriage offers negative returns of investment.

Dating & Marriage is Hell
44 Opinion