Users I wish to apologize to

Users I wish to apologize to

I'd like to write this short piece as a way to make a space to dialogue and an attempt at mutual understanding.

I want to apologize for my rude behavior and hurtful words to four users on here, with whom I'm no longer in communication but realized they were right and had the best intentions for me while I scorned their help and repayed their time and attention with scorn and disdain.
I won't say their names out loud, but they'll understand I'm referring to them if they stumble onto this.

Users I wish to apologize to

To P:

I apologize for deriding your notion of a sociopath and saying that I need such people in my life to make suffer those that made me suffer, and cruelly rebuffing that your advice and communication by saying were just you being a "snowflake" and showing nothing but outright and senseless contempt and disdain on every answers you put on my questions, sometimes deleting them without reading them, and overall putting my head in the sand, taking it out just to spit and screech at you.
For that I apologize.

To CM:
I apologize for responding to your worries and concerns with the same thing I said to my fiancée - that you both "share the same arrogance typical of your people that lead to great wars and tragedy".
I understand how hurtful and racist and lowly of me that remark was, a cheap way to take a potshot at your heritages and blame you for things you have no responsabilities of.
Fort that I apologize.

Users I wish to apologize to

To SF:

I apologize for outright cutting off communications with you and denying my support when you needed it, stating that you should have been on your own and that you were just envious, and cruelly turned down your attempts at a reconciliation by telling you to "piss off" and blocking you without giving you any chance to reply.
For that I apologize.

Arrogant and condescending...
Arrogant and condescending...

To PI:
I apologize for disregarding your opinions and trying to help me out, threatening to block you, avoiding some topics and responding with personal attacks in a really low and completely uncalled for way or just going into ignoring or silent treatment mode.
Of those four people you are the only one I didn't block and that didn't block me, so I'm pretty sure you'll see this.

Naturally there are many other users I wish to apologize to, for disregarding their advice, deleting their opinions and blocking them without any warning or talking down to them and lowkey cutting them off.
I don't expect and don't hope to be forgiven, but I needed to get the apologies off my chest and make at least a small gesture.
I'm sorry.

Thank you for reading.
If you wish to, I'd like to make this a place for you too to clear your misunderstandings with other users and apologize to them if you feel like it.

Users I wish to apologize to
Post Opinion