How important are looks in dating and marriage relationships.

How important are looks in dating and marriage relationships.

Obviously, looks matter. Otherwise, models and movie stars wouldn’t be exceptionally attractive. By early teens most learn the level of looks they can attract. 3s know they cannot attract 5s but they might attract a 4. 6s know they cannot attract 8s but they might attract a 7.

If you rate looks on a scale of 10 based on the standard deviation as show on the bell curve rather than percentages, half the population would be between 4 and 6. The top 10% are 8s or above and 9s are the top 1%. Most college pompom girls are at least 8s and they are pretty enough for anyone, including 10s. Therefore, if you are an 8 additional looks are of little benefit as other characterizes matter more. However, if you are 6 or lower, additional looks matter a great deal. Therefore, additional looks matter less to very attractive people than for people with average below looks.

That said, based on what their experience tell them the level of looks someone has that will find them acceptable, most people have a minimum level of looks they will accept. Once someone passes their looks test, especially if they are a 6 or above, other factors have a higher value then additional looks.

How important are looks in dating and marriage relationships.
22 Opinion