Do Better Looking People Have More Success With Dating?

Do Better Looking People Have More Success With Dating?

Okay, probably everyone is going to look at me as if I’m a total ditz and re-in state that attractive people clearly have many suitors. We see a cute guy or gal at a coffee shop and don’t make a move out of shyness or presumption that they’re already taken. That has been the case for me. I’m too reserved to show interest but I end up finding out they’re already in a relationship (not directly from them but overhearing a conversation).

I attempt to not let the dating scene interfere with my confidence and overall self esteem but I cannot help it. I’ve always been insecure and it has only worsened in knowing that guys don’t have an interest in me. I have conversed with a few individuals that threw compliments towards my physical appearance and follow by asking my relationship status. I don’t take these compliments too seriously because beauty is the eye of the beholder. Even when I was heavier I was complimented. I always figured being the smaller size I am now would result in more potential dates. As you can guess from this My Take, that has not been my reality.

I’ve encountered numerous individuals: from slim to heavy, tall to short, light to dark, brown hair to blonde hair, all types of extremes and each of them have a different story. Women I considered to be pretty were perpetually single too and men I did not find attractive always had a girlfriend.

While I’m envious of those aesthetically appealing couples, I do not believe they ALWAYS have it easier. Look at celebrities. They’re famous generally due to their talents and well-rounded outer appearance. There seems to be very few couples in the limelight that have made their marriages and relationships work long-term. And while I don’t want to jump to conclusions with celebrities because only so much of their personal life is exposed, I wouldn’t say they are always dealt the best of hands in dating.

I can name a few famous women that seem to have pretty bad luck in love: Jennifer Aniston, Halle Berry, Drew Barrymore, Mariah Carey, etc. Those are a few off the top of my head.

At the end of the day, I’d like to believe that life can suck and there are no guarantees so we have to make the best with the cards we were dealt, regardless of physical appearance.

Do Better Looking People Have More Success With Dating?
79 Opinion