The "Friendzone" Does Not Exist the Way You Think It Does



Questions about the "Friend Zone" are littering GaG.

Guys (and some girls) are asking "What can I do to get out of the Friendzone? How can I avoid being 'placed' in the Friendzone?"

The answer is this: fucking nothing.

All the Friendzone is, is a platonic relationship between two people, in which one person has romantic feelings for the other that are simply not reciprocated.

Think back to a time when you have met a person you do not want to date. It really shouldn't be that hard. Think of any person you've encountered that you do not feel romantic feelings for. I'm sure you can think of a crap ton.

If this person is not attractive to you, mentally or physically, and your personalities do not click, what could that person do to make you want them?

Not shit. If someone "falls" for another person because they're being showered with gifts and being put on a pedastal, that relationship is gonna be one-sided garbage. You don't fall for someone because they bought you a teddy bear. You don't fall for someone because they compliment you. You may like the attention, but you don't truly like them.

So guys and girls, if someone does not like you, don't waste your time trying to "Woo" them.

The "Friendzone" Does Not Exist the Way You Think It Does

Let's move on to another point.

I've seen too many guys on here say that their female FRIENDS are using them for "emotional intimacy."

Well look here son, that's what FRIENDS do!!!!

Guys like to complain: "She tells me all her problems, especially ones about guys, and she asks for advice and stuff...and I listen...yet she won't date me!"

Welp, that would be because she is not interested in you romantically, and you two are in a platonic relationship, and that's what people in platonic relationships do.

Listen: if you do not want to be friends with a girl because it is too painful for you to be just friends with a girl you like, then you are not obligated to maintain that friendship. You do not have to talk nor listen to her.

If a chick says a guy is using her for sex, everyone and they mama wants to say that she's letting herself be used.

Well if a chick is "using" you for friendship then you are letting yourself be used. Walk away.

*Just because you are a decent human who helps a friend out, does not mean you are entitled to sex and/or a relationship with that person.*

Imagine if your gay male best friend was like "bro, I totally listen you when you're upset. It's about time you suck my dick for all my troubles."

Clearly that's not how it works.

That's all for today.

The "Friendzone" Does Not Exist the Way You Think It Does
41 Opinion