The Twilight Complex: A Modern Take on "Love"

Before we get started here, with me rambling and readers painstakingly perusing, let’s all contemplate the meaning of “love”. No, no, really I mean it, please take a moment and consider what it means to you! Okay perfect, with that out of the way let’s get the fun started. Let’s all take a leap back into what a traditional tale of “love” looked like, before the 21st century hit the scene like a ton of bricks.

The Twilight Complex: A Modern Take on

Romeo oh Romeo! Wherefore art though Romeo? Two star crossed lovers destined to fail yet somehow still determined to triumph against the odds. Notice how I said “two” lovers, not three or four, not a werewolf and not a vampire; two humans so in love that the rest of the world ceased to exist. Was this a match made in heaven? Of course not! However this is a timeless tale of romance without all of the modern bells and whistles we have become so accustomed to seeing. There is no doubt as to whether or not these two individuals are in love, there is no waffling, there is no confusion! I realize that the tale ends in a manner most tragic; however, the “love” aspect still remains as being pure and unbridled. There was a spark, a seed of love was planted and both parties involved nourished that to its fullest; right up until the bitter end. People evolve, and so does romance between two people if and only if two people are willing; it takes two to tango, but what a beautiful dance it can be.

The Twilight Complex: A Modern Take on "Love"

Edward oh Edward! Wait no, Jacob? No, perhaps Damon, no hold on, Stefan what about you? Guys? Anyone? Hello? In comes modern pop culture with a newfound spin on tales of love and romance. Please notice the oh-so obvious difference. We went from two lovers, sticking together against all odds, walking hand in hand into oblivion… to one woman waffling between multiple partners without even the slightest modicum of dedication. Whether it is the Twilight Saga, a good soap opera, or reality television such as “The Bachelorette”, the message of “love” has changed. The worst part about this altered message, this new take on love, is that it is not geared to the mature which are set in their ways. The target demographic is the young, the impressionable and those that are still finding their way in life. Where people once would read to attain knowledge, we now sit glued to televisions like sponges in water. We learn from what we watch, and what we watch is teaching children, teenagers and even blossoming young adults, that love is fickle, and love is fleeting. Why settle for one man or woman when we can each choose multiple love interests that each suit a different need in our lives. Rather than nourishing a relationship with one individual to suit all of our needs, we are becoming accustomed to plucking different partners, from different walks in life to partake in various roles in the tales of our lives.

The Twilight Complex: A Modern Take on "Love"

I refer to this condition, this need for validation from multiple partners, as “The Twilight Complex”; the over-romanicization of juggling multiple partners or having various individuals compete for our affections. There is nothing romantic about “TTC”, not to me at least. Living, breathing human beings can learn, and grow throughout the learning process. Where there is a spark of romance so can there be one partner, and just one partner, that suits all of our needs. How can one expect dedication or devotion when said person is unwilling to offer it themselves? Enough soap boxing for me, I could rant on for hours about this but now I would “love” to hear what others think.

I'd like to hear of other examples, whether in media or from personal expierence, where "TTC" has impacted someone here on G@G!

Is this just a phase or the beginning of a shift in romantic idealogy?

What do you think about "TTC"? Is one person really enough, did Bella get it right and do we require multiple romantic interests to feel whole? Or do you believe in growing one romantic interest into something or someone that fulfills all of your wants and desires?

The Twilight Complex: A Modern Take on "Love"
Post Opinion