Does my uncle like me?

I just want to know if I can be normal around my uncle or not.

I have a really close friend from work I call "uncle" instead of his full name, like his nickname I use ( I call him that because I just feel that comfortable around him, we're like family, , and I call him that because I see him as a mentor). He and his wife have been friends with for many years.

Anyway I was wondering if is normal to feel that way about a male friend without having a problem. Because I just have these weird feelings that me MAY be coming on to me. Not very strong. Any I may just be imagining things, I know. I just had a weird feeling


He found out I smoke marijuana, and said "it's OK I use to do it too when I was young"...anyway this guy is 14 years my senior and he suggested we have a session together (smoke a joint) so we did, was slightly weird but thought well I probably am over reacting. So I asked him if he wanted to go out tonight at my place when he drops me off.

So when we get to my place we go and smoked (his wife doesn't know he doesn't want her to know...) while we were smoking he said he is getting a divorce from his wife, then a few minutes in to his story he said "I really love you ...I love you so much" now I'm kind of confused here and feeling kind of gross...We did nothing I never would, I think of him as an UNCLE. So I felt odd and said "wow...everyone loves to be love" didn't really know what to say. Any way I remembered suggesting a divorce since he is not too nice to my aunt (his wife) He's is actually quite an ass to her to be honest. and I've told him on many occasions even in front of my aunt. to not be so rude to her.

So ya, he has talked to me about their relationship even their sex life, and I was slightly disturbed by the image of it all, but felt he did not have anyone to talk to about these matters because he does want his guy friends knowing what his wife is like in bed.

After we blaze I say goodbye since it's so late out, and he asked in a confused tone, " you want me to go now?" I said, " yes...why would you still be here now? Aunt would be worried"

When He leaves I started stripping out...


Do I have a right to be freaked out? why am I doubting he might mean something by what I've just explained...

Am I assuming to much?

Girls and Guys place answer...
Does my uncle like me?
2 Opinion