Would you date a girl/guy with borderline personality disorder?

Title explains it. Essentially borderline personality disorder makes people impulsive, have extremes of emotion, fear abandonment, have intense mood swings and have trouble figuring out their true thoughts. This often comes about from sexual and emotional abuse (BPD is argued as being a form of ptsd relating to the identity).

I recently got a diagnosis of BPD after several years of getting depression diagnosis and ptsd and others but none seemed to fit. I was wondering if people would be willing to stick with someone like me or not.
It's ruined a few relationships and its upsetting that i can go from loving someone and wanting them close to wanting them to get away from me because i can't trust them and if i do trust them to tell them my secrets they'll abandon me. (Yes i understand the flawed logic of "i dont wanna be abandoned" then doing everything that leads to it in an effort to not risk getting abandoned)
Would you date a girl/guy with borderline personality disorder?
24 Opinion