My LDR boyfriend lies about Sleeping?

My ldr boyfriend lies about taking a nap.

I've been with my ldr boyfriend for more than a year now, we both love each other and I know he loves me as well. , recently he have been lying to me about "napping". When we were talking on the phone everything was fine and I asked him if he was okay and that, he said he's fine and after 5 minutes, out of the blue, he told me he have a headache and he'll go and nap. He took a " nap" for 4 hours but It didn't feel alright. So today when we were texting, he told me he'll take a "quick nap" because he were out walking today and that made him tired, he went again for 4 hours but this time I knew he lied because I could tell he was Online in one of his social media accounts and his sister sent me a video of him on snapchat when he was sitting down on the computer and listening to music and having fun (she likes to send me stuff about him because she knows I like it) . That happened 2 hours before he "woke up". So after 4 hours when he finally "woke up" I asked him if he really slept for 4h and he said yes and I tried to give him a chance to tell the truth and he was still lying and telling me he slept because it was too hot too. I didn't know what to do so I said I'll go back to sleep and he said he will too.
Since he lied I don't know what to do. Opinions? Should I confront him or?
My LDR boyfriend lies about Sleeping?
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