My boyfriend's bad attitude when playing games is tearing us apart. What can I do?

I've been gaming basically my whole life as well so a lot of our time together is spent on playing MMOs and co-op games together. We've been together for 6 years, but I'm really debating leaving and possibly quitting playing games altogether because of his behavior. It's turning something that should be fun and relaxing into a stressful nightmare that I dread every day.

If he dies to a boss a million times, I don't yell at him or blame him. But if I do something in a way he doesn't like or die once, all of a sudden I'm "stupid" and am a "bitch" if I tell him to cool it with his attitude or I will stop playing that night. I've tried not reacting to it, I've tried showering him with love and kindness, and I've tried being straight up with him and not tolerating it. No matter which option I choose, the result is the same. I get told to shove it and that he's allowed to scream like a banshee and call me whatever he wants.

I've had sit down talks with him and I've told him how it makes me feel. I've told him that I feel like it's best if we don't play games together anymore or that I want to stop playing games that aren't single-player relaxing ones. His response is to say that we "wouldn't have a relationship" if I didn't play games, even though we have so many more interests and hobbies in common.

I'm at a loss and it feels like things will never change. I've put in so much of my heart and time and effort into our relationship, but I don't want a future like this. I have terrible anxiety issues and need to have some sort of escape in my evenings to cope. If my number one method of relaxation is nonstop stressful like this, then it's going to drive me to an early grave.

Please let me know if there's anything else I can do or say to help the situation. I don't want to give up, but I know that this isn't happy or healthy and needs to end if it doesn't get better. Thanks for reading.
My boyfriend's bad attitude when playing games is tearing us apart. What can I do?
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