Can you rate this Indian Man/Actor? Is he attractive?

Can you rate this Indian Man/Actor? Is he attractive?
Can you rate this Indian Man/Actor? Is he attractive?
Can you rate this Indian Man/Actor? Is he attractive?
Can you rate this Indian Man/Actor? Is he attractive?
Can you rate this Indian Man/Actor? Is he attractive?
His name is Hrithik Roshan. He is also known as the "Greek God" and he is the greatest dancer living on the planet after Michael Jackson and he has also given a tribute to him in the music video I mentioned above (skip to 3:12 If you wanna watch it). He looks so badass and frickin' hot with both beard and without beard but its my perception. What do you guys think though? And girls do you find him attractive?
Can you rate this Indian Man/Actor? Is he attractive?
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