Grandmother is dying, I may be alone for life, and other burdens. How do I cope?

I turned 27 recently this month. I am up here in New York visiting my grandmother and saying goodbye. She is being moved into hospice care.

Meanwhile, I am also struggling with the fact I could be single the rest of my life too. That has been bothering me for a very long time. I seek a woman who has never formed romantic bonds with another guy before, especially from her youth. I only want me and a woman to be each other's first loves. I can no longer say me and a woman met when we were young and kids. I envy people who meet the loves of their lives in college or earlier. They can at least know they spent their youths with each other. I cannot say that.

Also, I feel very alone. I hardly have a social life. I missed out on a lot during my youth.

My dog may be having to be put down soon.

There is not many things I feel are going well right now. I am fortunate and grateful to have such great parents and a job. That's about it. I also still live at home as of now.

Below is me:
This is me
This is me
Grandmother is dying, I may be alone for life, and other burdens. How do I cope?
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