How do you handle jealousy in a relationship?

The jealousy in my partner used to make him say really unkind things to me.
I was gifted a flower by a random man carrying a bouquet. He said "he probably stole it from a graveside!"
When I was studying he used to demand I get home by a particular time if I was home even a minute later he would leave and cancel the plans we had together.
If I had other male friends he would threaten them, "you better not have another guy in your house!"
"he'd show up at my house in the early hours of the morning when he knew I had work on the weekend drunk, or call me suggesting some kind of risqué sexual act with another guy usually random! When confronted about it he said he was lying there was noone with him.
He didn't want to meet my family.
He didn't want to meet my friend's!
He went and did fun things but without me and would tell me. Trying to incite jealousy in me.

Jealousy makes people act in really unusual ways. But this was a really immature and toxic way.
I couldn't do right from wrong. And everything was a personal slight to him.
Or competition!
How do you handle jealousy in a relationship?
48 Opinion