Do you agree with Kevin Samuel words of women who are 35 and unmarried?

“If you have made it to 35 and you are unmarried, you are a leftover woman,” Samuels said on his podcast last month. “You are what is left. Men know that there is likely something wrong with you. Whether you want to hear it or not, I’m going to go there with you. I’m telling you the truth that you don’t want to hear. Men know that there is likely something wrong with you—that you can not be an adjustable six or higher—something is wrong with you. That’s where men automatically come with it. And here’s the thing—when you were between the ages of 22 and 25 and you didn’t want to settle—you were trying to get the CEO, the pilot, the investment banker, you were trying to get flewed out…”

He continued: “Here’s what’s going to happen. If you are a woman 35 plus and you want a man that’s on the same lifestyle level, you’re going to have to share him.”

Samuels then asked a woman, “What do you think about sharing a man?” to which she responded, “I’m OK with that, because, if they’re going to mess around with other females, I’m going to do what I want to do too.”

Samuels responded: “No, no, that’s not how that works—you share your man and sit your ass down.”
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Do you agree with Kevin Samuel words of women who are 35 and unmarried?
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