My boyfriend prioritises the game and talking with strangers through his headset over me every day, all day, am I missing something?

My boyfriend is on the game every day, morning till bed. 4 - 8 hours of that time is spent talking to strangers very loudly through his headset. His voice dominates the entire house, but i have never complained.
I study full time from home. My final assignments are due tomorrow and im having trouble focusing.

I asked if it would be okay if he didn't talk on the headset today so i can focus.
Him: "what for how long the whole day i may as well not even play the game then" Me: "oh i didn't realise it was like that" Him: "yeah well we need to coordinate" me: "oh cause i just hear you talking about random stuff" Him: "yeah there's that too" me: "okay sorry"

- I feel like me being able to focus for ONE day should have been more important to him than coordinating on the game - which honestly, I've played as well and they're not - but even if they were. This is our house, he doesn't even let me play music as loud as he's talking because the people won't be able to hear him. Am i missing something, does anyone have another perspective? Thank you :)
My boyfriend prioritises the game and talking with strangers through his headset over me every day, all day, am I missing something?
13 Opinion