Why does my boyfriend ignore me while he’s playing video games?

My boyfriend and I have been together for over a year now. When we first started talking, he always wanted to see me and he never played video games (at least not as much as he does now). He has a 10 y. o daughter from a previous relationship so he doesn’t get much time for himself which I understand but usually she’ll go to bed around 9:30 and he’ll stay up playing games until 2am which I hate because he has to go to work at 5. Anyway, sometimes I’ll come to his house and by 9pm he’ll tell me he’s tired so I take that as my que to go home and then I find out the next day that he stayed up playing games. So then on the weekends when his daughter goes to her mothers he’s always playing video games and ignoring me and my texts and telling me he’s tired and he’ll see me tomorrow. I don’t mind that he wants time for himself but it bothers me when he throws it in my face like I don’t know that’s what he does on weeknights before he goes to bed. It also bothers me because we haven’t gone out to dinner just the two of us in over a month when we used to go out all the time. I wanted to see him today but nope his games came before me, of course. I’m at my wits end here. I don’t know what to do.
Why does my boyfriend ignore me while he’s playing video games?
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