If you have a significant other would you prefer that you two live with each other or the both of you have your own places?

Living Together: The two of you can split the cost of rent or mortgage and it is easier to hang out with each other but you guys need to compromise and neither can't have most of the space around the house. Oh by the way you two can also split chores unlike living separately.

Living Separately: While this is more expensive and might be trickier to see each other some days unless you guys live in the same neighborhood or apartment complex of course. But neither of you don't have to compromise on certain rooms because since you have your own space and your girl or guy also has their own space you guys can decorate and have literally everything y'all want in your own places.
Living Together
Living Separately
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If you have a significant other would you prefer that you two live with each other or the both of you have your own places?
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