Relationship with a military guy. Anyone?

My guy is in the military. We're together for a year. We're in one country for 8mos straight. But now we're on an LDR for almost 4mos now. He's good with communication. He's very consistent. Until recently, he doesn't want me to keep on texting or calling me when he's out and his updates like sending pics and videos about where he's at are lessened. To the point of none. I don't like how it makes me feel but he said I'm just too dramatic and I don't trust him. What should I do? I overthink when he's out especially the friends he's with are players. I trust him, but not his friends. It kills me every time he's out. I try my best not to contact him as to prove that I trust him and to avoid argument. But I'm really hurting. I'd like to know your opinion on this. Thank you.
Relationship with a military guy. Anyone?
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