Is it normal for your Live-in Boyfriend to keep your relationship a secret from Family and Friends for 3 YEARS?


I feel really alone and isolated in my relationship. I tried talking to my boyfriend about every problem on my mind. He stonewalls me. His response is always the same. He goes into rage, threatens to leave, insults my appearance, calls me fat, gaslights me, and accuses of calling him a liar and cheater. He moved in with me 3 years ago. Our first holidays together were horrible. He refused to meet my family and made an excuse to avoid visiting his family. We spent Thanksgiving and Christmas alone and bored. Fast forward 3 years, I still have not met his son, family, or respectable friends. I don't exist on any of his social media. He will post about our dog. He has introduced me to 5 drug addicts (allegedly long time friends). We rarely go anywhere together during the day. I hate going shopping or to his "friend's house" because I end up waiting in the car for hours. He will not talk to family on the phone if I'm home. His phone notifications are turned off. He expects a call or text before I get home. I stopped texting or calling because it's my place and he doesn't pay any bills. He has never paid rent. He went into a rage and accused me of calling him a liar and cheater for showing up at home "unannounced." According to him, my actions are insecure and ridiculous. He constantly brags about his criminal and "player" past. He tells me that he's a talented criminal and cheater. Therefore, it will be impossible to catch him. He brags about cheating on his super "hot ex gfs" and getting away with it. He specifically said "I never got tattoos in prison because I need to look innocent." He's proud of manipulating people around him. But swears that he's 100% honest with me. I work everyday. He will wait until I'm at work to ask for money. If I refuse, he threatens to call his "hot female friends" for money. I feel like he's being manipulative and playing mind games. I'm trying to keep the peace but I am ready to run away. Am I over analyzing the situation?

Is it normal for your Live-in Boyfriend to keep your relationship a secret from Family and Friends for 3 YEARS?
7 Opinion