I catfished my cheating boyfriend and we are suppose to meet at a hotel, how to handle this?

We have been together 8 years in a situation-ship. I knew something was going on, intuition, so I created a fake profile on cheating site. He bit, hook line and sinker. The thing is, a month ago I had a straight up convo with him about seeing and chatting with other people. I told him, it is fine if you are chatting or even meeting up I just want the truth as I have been honest with him. and if that is the case I need to know so I can take a step back from this situationship. I fell in love with him.. I even told him things will not change between us if he is honest but if he lie's its a different ballgame. He denied anything, though he has been chatting with the catfish for 2 months.

He has told the catfish (me) that he wants to meet, in another town, and I am playing along, what do I do when I show up at the hotel, not the girl he thinks he's meeting? His reaction? ever heard of the Pina Colada song... LOL

I know I should leave his cheatin arse, but he's almost an addiction... how would you play it and GUYS what would you do if this guy was you... help, stuck in my head!!

I catfished my cheating boyfriend and we are suppose to meet at a hotel, how to handle this?
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