Did this really cost me or is there still a chance?

My relationship before last really brought out the worst in me. Won't get into specific details but initially she was the abuser until one day I got tired of it all and began retaliating. Things would often get physical after that. Eventually I decided to end it. I have never been that kind of person before. My whole life it was all about a man should never hit a woman. I am still ashamed, disgusted, and not sure if I'll ever forgive myself. Then I met D. She was the one. You know.. the one I have been looking for my whole life. Match made in heaven. I have never met anyone who I could so clearly envision a future with. I am and probably always will be hopelessly and irrevocably in love with her. One thing we had in common was our previous relationship. We talked at length about our former abusers and it was as though we were describing the exact same person. It was uncanny. The only difference being... He beat the shit out of her and put her in the hospital, whereas when my ex tried that it didn't work out so well for her. I recently opened up more to her about my experience, going into greater detail about specific incidences. It was therapeutic as the events were all quite traumatic for me, even when I was the one being physical. Call it an identity crisis if you will. This was stuff I really needed to get off my chest and I thought D was the one person in the entire universe I could be so open and vulnerable with in regards to these things. Turns out I was wrong. She broke up with me yesterday. She went out with her sister on their birthday (they are twins) and after she left I got a text from her explaining that she is scared of me now and she would appreciate it if I was gone when she came home. I am completely devastated. She brought out the best in me... I would never hurt her... But I do understand where she is coming from. My question is... Is this salvageable at all? What should I do? I don't know what to do.
Did this really cost me or is there still a chance?
5 Opinion