Who has it harder, an average, mediocre woman or a poor, unattractive man?

Who has it so hard in the dating and relationship world:

- Sarah is just average (isn't that pretty, not even with make-up and she knows that) in looks and there is nothing she can do about it. She gets hit on by either average, broke, poor, or unattractive guys below her in looks or status. She's going to have to settle or continue being single.

- Michael is average or mediocre in looks and is poor. He will never be wealthy, has no exceptional skill compensating it and has no luck at all. He isn't getting hit on by anyone. His only single relationship lasted a couple months several years ago and he's been single since.

Average, mediocre in looks woman
Broke and poor, unattractive man
The both have it equally hard
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Who has it harder, an average, mediocre woman or a poor, unattractive man?
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