He got off with my best friend, how am I in the wrong?


So this is confusing, but basically I have always been close to a male friend, that was always on the border of being more of a friend. From teenage years we have always been extremely close, flirty but more best friends over anything else. During high school whilst both single we would talk daily, although we both had feelings we never acted on them. One day I found out he slept with my best friend, it was a one night stand and they didn’t speak before or after. He texted me as soon as she left apologising, but I struggled to get past ir, becus I felt we were on the edge of something happening between us, and heist have too to say sorry? Fast forward 15 years and we are both married, still very close and the friendship is as similar as it always has been. We talk daily, hug, hold hands when we meet etc, our partners know of our friendship though they have been skepticsl in the past, although nothing physical as ever happened between us. Then this weekend, whilst we were all out, he is all over my friend, him and his wife are taking a break and they leave together. I have voiced how I feel it’s unfair on me, and even though we aren’t anything out of principle I wouldn’t be all over his friends esp in front his face. He says neither of us have a right to be jealous which I partly understand. But it’s like he hasn’t changed in all these years and would still sleep with my friends the first opportunity he gets, when he knows deep down that would hurt me. Am I wrong?

He got off with my best friend, how am I in the wrong?
3 Opinion