Have you noticed that the East Asian and Western concepts of Love differ from each other?


My only partner has been an exceptionally amazing Chinese man who I really loved and who really loved me as well.

However, from all the Chinese-Weatern Relationships I’ve heard it’s always the Chinese who broke up with them, everyone always told me that it’s because Chinese are opportunistic and not very romantic. I know it’s not a good idea to generalize, but when they see someone who can provide them better, they won’t stick by you in the name of love.

My ex fiance indeed loved me but in the end he left me and left me wondering, whether something that my European friend said about opportunism is actually right or not?

Because I can’t imagine any European or a western person who could love me as intensely as my ex fiancé did finally leave me as unceremoniously as my ex fiancé did. I feel like in the west we crave love, we appreciate and cherish it more than they do in the East.

In the East it seems to be something out of convenience and when it’s not convenient anymore, they don’t think it’s worth fixing or worth working on, they can just ditch it and move to the next convenient thing.

That’s why I am daily messaged and asked out by lots of married, taken Chinese or Western men here.

I was really surprised at first.

But today I had a conversation with an American man whose ex wife was Chinese and he said the exact same thing, he told me their relationship ended because the ex wife wanted an open relationship as its pretty common here in China and she didn’t find the marriage as interesting as before, so she decided to find another man who could provide her needs better. He said exact same word “Opportunistic” and it hit my mind.

Maybe Asian and Western concept of love really does differ?

1 y
I could sacrifice anything for love but in Asia, it doesn’t work this way. You must be an idiot to do so here. People marry out of convenience or the wish of their parents or the peer pressure. What do they really want though? I don’t know.

I think Asians are not as romantic as western people.

1 y
I don’t say this because I am angry at them, nope, I do love them, with their differences and similarities and my Chinese ex fiancé is the only man I’ve loved and he still holds a very big place in my heart.

it’s just I do wonder, have you noticed the differences between the western concept of love and Eastern concept of love?
Have you noticed that the East Asian and Western concepts of Love differ from each other?
3 Opinion