Should you apologize for things years in the past?

Is it worth it to apologize to people for things that are years in the past? I want them to know how much I regret my inexcusable actions but I feel they are definitely over this by now or have completely forgotten about it I feel like apologizing at this point would be way to late and basically meaningless also don't want to make them revisit bad memories they might have completely forgotten about already. Should I apologize? I was really rude for no reason at all to this one lovely girl for just texting me saying hey trying to start a convo with me I've wanted to apologize forever I feel terrible about that but I feel like it's way to late and another girl I sent a pic that was getting shared around of her and asked if it was really her when I knew damn well it was I feel especially horrible about that one and I really hope she's okay but that was years ago too I don't know if it's just to late to apologize for this stuff but every time I think about it reminds me of how terrible a person I am.

Should you apologize for things years in the past?
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