If it was a true accident. Friend was drunk trying show me something on his phone. A full frontal his girl sent him came up. Would you forgive your boyfriend?
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- 1 y
My boyfriend has one of my nude modeling photos as his background on his PC. We constantly have friends over and he streams from his pc... safe to say we crossed that threshold already. Am I uncomfortable with it? Maybe a little bothered at first. It's been 2 years so now I don't really notice it
03 Reply- Asker1 y
Is it like a nude u took or do u do professional nude modeling?
- 1 y
I got some professional shots taken a few years back. One of my girl friends kept nagging me to do it so eventually caved and found a photographer who's work I liked.
- Asker1 y
Oh well I guess that makes a lot more sense to display then
Most Helpful Opinions
no its natural for guys to do thst even women to i ude to flash my exs cock to some of my family and friend nd ma mum said it was a belter lol and a lot of other people he said he showed his friends me but am not sure i beilve that anymore he lied to me about 2 years of our relashionship and i vam hardlh beilve a word he says still
00 Reply
What Girls Said
- 1 y
Never sent anyone of me completely naked, I always at least have something on just to tease, so if someone accidentally saw one of those, I'd survive. The main reason I can't complain is because my mom accidentally saw a picture of my boyfriend in his underwear on my phone once. Oops.
10 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
It’s not very wise for her to send nudes in the first place. Digital footprint, revenge porn, falling out, etc etc etc can happen after she sends that photo. I’d never send that if I wasn’t willing to expect shit to potentially hit the fan one day.
00 Reply - 1 y
maybe but it would be an extreme issue, however nudes are a no no for me anyways
01 Reply- Asker1 y
Guessing because if stuff like that
- 1 y
Yes I'd be mad he wasn't more careful. Would I get over it? Of course.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)1 y
He'd be a dead man, both of em. I don't take nudes so that means he got it without permission.
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