When you’re in an exclusive relationship with someone, how often would you prefer to see each other?


You can answer regardless of if you’re single/taken. #WhatsTheScenario Say you guys haven't moved in together yet because you’re still in the extremely early stage, maybe a month or two in. How often are you trying to go see eachother? Daily?
For me personally, I’m not trying to see the person daily. I’ll deal with that when the time comes and we’re sharing a place lmao. I’d like to see each other maybe 2-3 days a week but not every week, maybe every two weeks unless we just miss each other too much. I value my space/alone time but if the person would like us to see each other more than that, like if they wanted to see each other daily/weekly, thats do-able so long as I have at least 2 days to myself. My exes here were often my neighbors, coworkers, or classmates so we not only saw each other daily at work/school/around the area, but then again right after when we got home. It was a bit exhausting. And then the LDR’s we saw eachother like every few months which was a stretch but not the worst. I can make time for the guy but I don’t even like being around people for more than 2-3 hours a day, so to see someone every day double at that is A LOT. #FeelFreeToList

When you’re in an exclusive relationship with someone, how often would you prefer to see each other?
48 Opinion