Why do I feel like an evil godmother?

Why do I feel like an evil godmother?

So, I still work at one of my old jobs part-time, here everyone knew about my relationship, they would often tell me in the past:

”Oh, your fiance is such such a handsome man! We are all jealous here!”

“Wow, your children will be so pretty!”

“You look so beautiful together!”

“You are such a wonderful couple, I bet all girls are jealous of you. We have a crush on your fiancé! ”

And so on and on…

I always thought I was happy and we were engaged and he really wanted children with me and he was head over heels in love with me.

Now, they often ask me where is he and so on…

This days one of my coworker is expecting a child, she was always one of the girls who had a crush on my boyfriend, she was in a relationship with her current boyfriend but would often compliment the looks of my boyfriend and told me I was a very lucky girl.

Now though, she is happy and expecting for a child with that boyfriend she had at the same time as I was in a relationship, they got married and for me, I seem to choose wrongly since I am alone now and instead getting jealous of other women’s happiness.

I know I shouldn’t be feeling this way, but It reminds me of my failure and of what could have been and that I too, must have had a family for now.

How do I get over this petty and unhealthy thoughts? I don’t like feeling this way. I want to be happy for my coworker’s happiness, I don’t like feeling jealous.

Why do I feel like an evil godmother?
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