Just venting but is this what marriage is about? What do I do here?

I've known my husband since since i was 19. We were friends for a few years before deciding to date and eventually marry one another. We have been living together for five years which is the same length of time that weve been together. We have two children. I recently stopped working as October of 2021. My husband continued to work during that time period. Naturally It has been my job to maintain the home, take care of the kids and dogs and do majority of the cooking since he obviously doesn't have the time while working.

Recently i have admittedly been hot/cold with him. Why? My theory is that i am stressed the f*$%* OUT and depressed! I am overwhelmed with the amount of responsibilities that i have. Even when i was working i felt the same way because it seems im always taking care of things. I do all of the driving because he doesn't feel comfortable. I do grocery runs to the store when we need something. Im the one cleaning the car out and getting it washed up. I ask him to take down a small wasp nest outside and its a huge thing for him and so i have to do that too. I ask him to put the curtains that fell like two months ago back up and its always "oh remind me to do that tomorrow" He doesn't mind dishes piling up and the kitchen being dirty which he knows bothers me and when i get to the point to where i do it & of course im in a bad mood at this point which bothers him. He wants me to be ok with the kitchen being dirty and him waiting until midnight to clean it up.

At the end of the day when im tired and mentally drained which is the regular he has the audacity to ask me about sex like are you kidding me?

When i try and tell him about things that he does that bothers me he sees it as me complaining to him. For example i come and clean the kitchen up here he comes leaving trash behind. I tell him hey i wouldn't have to nag you about this if you just listened to me the first time and then i wouldn't have to be so annoying.

Is this how marriage goes?

Just venting but is this what marriage is about? What do I do here?
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